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Table 1 Summary of the iELISA antigens used for assay development

From: Development and evaluation of indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for the determination of immune response to multiple clostridial antigens in vaccinated captive bred southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum)

Clostridium species



C. perfringens type A

Sigma Aldrich

Phospholipase Cb

C. chauvoei

Aphis, USDA*

Flagella antigen

C. septicum

Aphis, USDA*

Culture filtrate containing ATX used for MNT by USDAa

C. sordellii

Aphis, USDA*

Culture filtrate containing TcsL used for MNT by USDAa

C. novyi


Culture filtrate containing TcnA used for MNT by USDAd

  1. Specific antigens used to coat the plates for the different iELISAs are described as well as their sources
  2. *WHO International Standard routinely used for ELISA and or mouse neutralization tests (MNT) donated by the USDA
  3. aWHO International ELISA Standard donated by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) received as formalinized inactivated antigens
  4. bPhospholipase C (P4039, Sigma Aldrich), 125 units per mg lyophilized protein phospholipase C expressed from C. perfringens strain 13, plc(988262), chromatographically purified [20]. Phospholipase C may not be the only antigen of importance, but the decision was taken to at least evaluate one target protein per organism based on recommendations in publications. Phospholipase C evaluation was made based on McCourt et al. [20]
  5. cInternationally prescribed C. novyi alpha toxin from the NIBSC as prescribed by the European Pharmacopoeia [21]
  6. dNational Institute for Biological Standards and Control, NIBSC, received as formalinized inactivated antigens