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Table 1 Criteria for re-classification of dogs with a reimbursed claim for CAD based on information from medical records.

From: Canine atopic dermatitis: validation of recorded diagnosis against practice records in 335 insured Swedish dogs



Diagnostic criteria


Atopic, grade 1

-Clinical criteria of canine atopic dermatitis fulfilled*

-Positive reaction to aero-allergens by use of intradermal skin test or serology testing for specific IgE

-No response to dietary trial with novel protein source (or hydrolyzed protein)


Atopic, grade 2

-Clinical criteria of canine atopic dermatitis fulfilled*

-Positive reaction to aero-allergens by use of intradermal skin test or serology testing for specific IgE

-Partial response to dietary trial with novel protein source (or hydrolyzed protein)


Questionable atopic

-Clinical criteria of canine atopic dermatitis fulfilled*

-Positive reaction to aero-allergens by use of intradermal skin test or serology testing for specific IgE

-Dietary trial not performed


Plausible atopic

-Successful allergen-specific immunotherapy

-Incomplete information about symptoms and/or diagnostic testing


Possible atopic

-Clinical criteria of canine atopic dermatitis fulfilled*

-No reaction to aero-allergens by use of intradermal skin test, serology testing for specific IgE not performed

-No response to dietary trial with novel protein source (or hydrolyzed protein)


Allergic dermatitis

-Clinical criteria of canine atopic dermatitis fulfilled*

-No intradermal skin test, IgE test or elimination diet performed or negative skin test, no elimination diet


Cutaneous adverse food reaction (AFR)

-Clinical criteria of canine atopic dermatitis fulfilled*

-Complete response to dietary trial with novel protein source (or hydrolyzed protein)


Other skin

-Pruritus due to parasites or other skin diseases

  1. * Pruritic patient fulfilling three or more of the following clinical criteria: facial pruritus, paw pruritus, pruritic otitis, pruritic ventral dermatitis, pruritic generalized dermatitis, bilateral interdigital erythema, debut before three years of age, peri- oral, otic or ophthalmic erythema, and/or recurring dermatitis for more than two years; signs persistent after exclusion of ectoparasites, pyodermia and Malazessia dermatitis.